The Full Story
About Us
Welcome to TrippTalk Tech, I'm your host Keith Tripp.
I started TrippTalk Tech for the people. I was born in raised on the Westside of Baltimore City, Maryland and that upbringing made me who I am today. The motivation for me to build and give back to my city and other underserved communities is because just like a lot of youth and striving adults from my city, I wanted the "American Dream" fly clothes, exotic cars, the jewelry, the sneakers, the house, the white picket fence, the whole nine, I wanted it all. Growing up though, the only people that I saw living like this or the ones that had all the things I desired in life, was had by the neighbor drug dealers, boosters, pimp, and hustlers. For most of us in the neighborhood these were our objects of success. Now, let me be clear, no disrespect to any of the aforementioned, I respect all of the relationships that I formed along the way and I also appreciate learning the art of Hustle from them all but after living a little bit I want to change that narrative.
Me, like most of my friends thought that hustlin, whatever the hustle was, was what we needed to do as well in order to get the things we wanted. The influence of the music, that most in our underserved communities listened to, the videos we all loved to watch and the environment continues to falsely shape our youth and striving adults of the community views of success. The thought of "success" or "shine" in underserved neighborhoods is usually based on the idea that you have to either be a ball player or have a good hustle working for you . Long story short, I was blessed to be shown to see a different way to get to the bag.
I had a special teacher and numerous mentors who God placed in my life that basically took me from one way of thinking and seeing the world, and then opened me up to the possibilities that reached beyond my neighborhood. These guides and mentors showed me it was different ways to get to all those things wanted when I was younger.
The more I learned about technology and life, the more I begin to see how technology is rapidly shaping this fast-paced world we live in. I feel my purpose is to pay that same education and knowledge forward. At TrippTalk Tech we want to show you, that you have enough to achieve your dreams from where you are right now. TrippTalk Tech will do it's best to provide you with the best resources in all professional arenasof life, in efforts to present the information you need to be the best successful you!!!

TrippTalk Tech media company and YouTube podcast platform is on a mission to provide wholesome entertainment to empower, educate, provide technology guidance and mental wellness awareness to support, serve and build-up communities all over the world especially the communities that are underserved.
We will accomplish this by providing our audience with insights from industry leading experts, artist, athletes, actors, etc that will share priceless information to our audience through an entertaining format.
In addition to the entertainment, we also believe without the proper mental health, success is short termed. We are not therapist at TrippTalk Tech but we will do all we can to make sure we present a good balance of information to help encourage healthy everyday living.
At TrippTalk Tech we want our community of viewers to use the information and tools provided to better themselves and then help others in the viewing community to get what they need to live their best possible lives.
At TrippTalk Tech we will lead this charge from love and promote that love throughout our channel.

Meet The Team

Keith Tripp
CEO, Content Producer, Writer, Editor and Host of TrippTalk Tech Podcast
Keith has 22+ years of global Information Security as well as Enterprise Infrastructure networking experience which has helped him to develop the disclpline to stay relevant and up to date on tech.
Mental Health is also very important to Keith's mission and he is a huge supporter of you finding your inner peace!!

Brandon Cure
Tripptalk Tech Cinematographer and Media Engineer.
Brandon is also is CEO and host of the TrenchTalk Podcast.